exams and the world cup...
Exams are only 2 days away... This preparation of the exams have been pretty bad. Was in the library from last monday to thursday. Had very low concentration and couldnt do much there. However, I told myself I had to fininsh what I had planned to do. Still managed to fininsh what I had planned to do each day. Felt super sleepy today. REally sick of studying now. Thank god for the world cup. My concentration span increased after watching the Germany Vs Costa RIca matve and the England vs Costa Rica match. I predicted that Germany would win. WIshed Oliver Kahn would play. He's really good. ANd they scored 2 goals in the first half of the game. THe England vs Costa RIca match was quite a messy one. Many foals, injuries, out of corner balls. I think paraguay sucked. England was relatively better but they didnt play very well in the second half. Beckham scored the goal and I start to wonder what England would do without him. I felt peter crouch had exellent footwork. More world cup matches to come. Tomorrow I shall watch Australia vs Japan. I miss seeing nakata andShinji ONo play. ONe more week to the end of exams! Jiayou everyone!!!!