Wednesday, May 31, 2006

The recession towards winter... will it be as gloomy and cold in the next month like how winter is?

June 1st. Officially the 1st day of winter. Brr... It has been raining for the past few days. The period from may 10th to June the 1st has been overpowering. Let's just say it has got to be the newest recession I've ever encounted.

Being sad can make you do crazy things. And I remembered just doing that. Probably doing crazy things is just a way to destress, make you forget ur troubles for a while. Rented a car together with Amanda. We're supposed to travel down south for a break, but in the end I had the car for a week. Woo ha, went driving, drove to many places I've never expected to go. More practice to gear up for driving when kel and xian is here. Sometimes I really wonder if ppl can look beyond my craziness. I'm always known to be silly, doing crazy things at crazy times. But everything done has a reason behind it. Behind the facade lies a sad person just waiting for ppl to console her, waiting for someone to knock the barricades surrounding her heart and heal it.

Oh well, but the craziness is over and came 5 straight days when I was stressed about my 60% psych lab report. Well, I wasnt very stressed, but my group mates made me stressed. It's an individual lab report but the report is based on grp work, and my group mates and I started on it at the start of the semester. They're all competitive as they wanna get into honours. Seeing them work so hard made me very stressed. We discussed almost every point almost every hour of the day 4 days before our lab report is due. I remember chat logs on msn about our hypothesis, results, methods, discussion. It was really mind draining. Seeing them work so hard made me really stressed. I thought my content was alright, but they kept changing and modifying theirs, and I had to keep up with them. Our tutor told us she'll be marking it and it'll be better if we all have the same pts. So no choice. Its like a final exam so I gotta do it. Slept at 6 am on the 19th of May and my groupmate handed in my report for me at 8 am. It was madness, I swear.

If the lab report wasnt enough, I just finished a 10% presentation. I think it was screwed up. I prepared for 5 days the day before, and the other person I presented with was stuttering the whole way through. I could see my tutor trying really hard to understand what was going on, and I rellay didnt think we did a good job. It's being assesed by the rest of the class, and I hope they'll be lenient with me as I was with them...

Oh well, crazy days.... overpowering.... I need strength... to survive till the end of the semester....


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