Wednesday, September 13, 2006


Ah... decided to take a break just now from almost a day of non-productive studying. took my bike, which I havent touched for almost 2 months (just cleared off 3 cobwebs from my bike and the dirt that accumulated on the bicycle seat) and off i cycled to matilda bay.

I took my mp3 player and played Jay Chou's latest album as I cycled. Jay Chou's songs never fail to perk me up. Everytime I hear his songs, I feel uplifted. cycling at matilda bay, enjoying swan river and the houses at the opposite bank made it much more enjoyable. Did not see anyone I know, which was terrific. Saw many old couples strolling along mat bay. Esp this couple, where the woman was supporting his husband as they walked. That image felt so sweet... It must feel good to be able to have someone by your side when you are old eh? Saw many people walking their dogs as well. Sometimes I wish I had a dog. In one way, there'll be company, in another way, it'll be a good motivation to take a walk or jog and bring the dog along. Dogs need exercise too... haha

Seeing perth and Australia, for that matter of fact, reminded me why I was here. To get my degree. I cant go back to spore not doing well for my degree. And for that, I promised to work harder this week to get all my assignments done, at least.


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