Friday, February 03, 2006

mY rEcEnT uPdAtEs...

Auntie Karen, the colleague that I'm temporarily replacing retired yesterday. I'll miss her greatly. We hit off on the first day of my work, and if not for her, my work at creative wouldnt be as enjoyable. Yeah, enjoyable's the word. At the last day of work, she treated me to a buffet and I heard her story of her working life. Behind the facade of her popularity among majority of her colleagues is a sad story; "xin suan"as she would put it. It suddenly dawned on me that what Maggy and my mum felt is true. Your work environment is really impt, and it has a great impact on you. Another thing I realised is that how you portray your character really has a great impact on everyone around you. If you are nice, everyone around you will feel nice. If you dont smile and you have a bad temper, everyone around you will have a bad day and really dislike you. I apologise if you disagree with the statement. This is how I analyse it through Auntie Karen's story. I'm gonna meet up with her again before I leave. Hopefully we'll get to have a drink or 2 at Raffles Marina or at her house. Oh boy, this colleague of mine can drink. GREAT.

After my drum lessons yesterday, I had to go to the counter to terminate my drum lesson. I really enjoy every moment of it, and I have to leave my lesson, my teacher which I like despite his cold jokes, and going for every lesson with Kelly, having dinner with her and just yakking away with her. This is one hell of a good friend. We just cant keep our mouths shut. Conversations just flow. You just know that you are totally comfortable with a friend when you guys can sustain a conversation without feeling awkward, loss for words or constrained. Hey Kelly, carry on your drum lessons girl. Dont give up halfway because I am not there. Muhahahaha. Nah, enjoy your drum lesson. Finding drum lessons in Perth is gonna be pretty hard as transport's not that convenient and I gotta find a place which is accessible.

Watched memoirs of a geisha on thurs and fun with dick and jane today. I only read one chap of the book that I've read before I saw the movie. The movie was great nonetheless. Jim Carrey still makes me laugh. Its great.

Hmm... the sign of the rat at River Hongbao says that its not a good year for the rat in general.. Can us rats defeat this from this bad fortune? Hmm....


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